Corporation History
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Chase will align its governance structures to international best practice and in accordance with the King Code as far as practical for an entity of its size.
All of the below structures will be in compliance with the BB-BEE requirements of being >51% BB-BEE controlled and managed.
Board of Directors – Both the Chase and CIH will have a Board who shall assume the ultimate responsibility for the performance and affairs of each respective Company. The CIH Board’s mandate will be governance focused and ensuring investment decisions of Chase are in line with the investment mandate.
The Chase Board is envisaged to have the following sub-committees:
Investment Committee – This committee will have the authority / delegation to approve investments as proposed by the Team.
The composition will aim to include enough independent non-executive members with relevant industry experience and qualifications, to provide a level of risk mitigation in the approval of investments. Investor would have representation on this committee subject to B-BBEE compliance considerations.
Consolidated Remuneration, Audit and Risk Committee – The membership will target individuals with Human Resource and Chartered Accountant experience in a position of seniority and aligned to the requirement for independence as stated in the King Codes
Social and Ethics Committee (“SEC”) – Aligned to the Chase’s intension to adopt a transformational mandate, aligned to its Environmental, Social and Governance Framework and to mitigate against the specific country / political risk associated with investment in the continent, the SEC will be formed to provide guidance to the Investment Committee on an exceptional basis in this regard.
The Manager intends to finalise the composition, quorum requirements and voting thresholds during the six months before First Close.